Clinical Trials
The Ravenel Cancer Center at our Martinsville campus is a charter member of the Southeast Clinical Oncology Research Consortium (SCOR) and is one of 91 communities across 5 states who participate in clinical trials. At the Ravenel Oncology Center, we offer hope to our patients through excellence in care based on current research. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines (NCCN) are utilized to guide cancer care in facilities across the country no matter where you go. They act as the standard of care and are the most frequently updated standards in any area of medicine.
We participate in the following National Cancer Institute research bases through SCOR:
- Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology (Alliance)
- Cancer Trials Support Unit (CTSU)
- SunCoast at the University of South Florida (SCUSF)
- Wake Forest NCORP Research Base (WF)
- University of Rochester Cancer Center NCORP Research Base (URCC)
Clinical trials provide the research needed for prevention, detection and treatment of all types of cancers. It is through this research from clinical trials that the NCCN guidelines are written for the treatment of all types of cancer.
At the Ravenel Cancer Center, patients are screened for eligibility to participate in open trials. Our medical oncologists act as investigators for the open trials at the Center. They are assisted by Nurse/Data Manager Sharon Hubbard, RN, BSN, who works behind the scenes screening, checking for eligibility and following federal guidelines.
For information about our clinical trials program, please call 276.666.7489.
For more information or to make an appointment, contact our Danville campus team at 434.793.0044 or our Martinsville campus team at 276.666.7827.
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