Visiting Hours
Having family and friends visit while you are in the hospital can be an important part of your recovery process, so we try to be as accommodating as possible with our visitation policy. However, rest is also very important to people who are recovering from illness or surgery, so we ask that you and your visitors observe the guidelines we have established.
Please check our visitor policies for the most recent updates. *Latest visitor policy effective 5/2/23.
Danville Visiting Hours Martinsville Visiting Hours
Visitor Management System
Part of our commitment for improvement we have been planning for is a Visitor Management System, know as "Security Pass System". The Security Pass System is designed to secure our hospitals and create a friendly and secure check-in process for all visitors while reinforcing safety and security for all Sovah Health audiences including patients, visitors, and staff.
All visitors who enter the hospital via the main entrance or emergency room entrance at both campuses, as well as the Ravenel Oncology Center entrance at Sovah Health - Martinsville, to visit or act as a support person will have their information entered into the Security Pass system. The Security Pass system will collect key information and take the individual’s picture. This information will be used to generate a visitor sticker that must remain visible at all times while on Sovah Health property. Any visitor not willing to participate with the Security Pass system will not be allowed entry into hospital property.
Each individual requesting to visit will provide a state issued driver’s license or identification card. The information contained in the bar strip on the back of the driver’s license/identification card will be used to document the visit and to assist in creating a Security Pass sticker. Information for those visitors who do not possess a state issued driver’s license or identification card will be entered into the Security Pass system manually. All information that is collected will be housed in the Security Pass software where it is encrypted, secured, and only used for Security Pass purposes.
The camera associated with the Security Pass system will be used to take a picture of the individual requesting visitation.
The Security Pass sticker will show the visitor’s photo, name, and issue date. Each Security Pass sticker is only valid for the calendar day it was issued. The Security Pass sticker will display “Expired” after 8 hours of wear or if the sticker is removed. Visitor’s must renew their Security Pass sticker every day they are requesting visitation.
All visitors must have a current Security Pass visitation sticker that must always remain visible while on hospital property. If a visitor’s sticker becomes damaged or ripped, they must return to a Security Pass station to obtain a new sticker. Anyone without a Security Pass will be stopped when seen throughout the building.
When a visitor decides to leave campus, we ask that they check out through the Security Pass station to maintain an accurate count of all individuals inside our facility in case of an emergency. If for any reason we must restrict visitors to a certain area of our hospital, the Security Pass software can assist staff with identifying their location.