Martinsville Patient Guide
We are committed to your care.
Our goal is to provide the best quality care. To do so, we ask for feedback from patients like you. You may be contacted by phone, email or text and asked to complete a confidential survey. Please take the time to complete the survey. Your feedback will help us know what we’re doing well and where we can improve.
Privacy Practices Patient Rights & Responsibilities Concerns About Your Care
Fast facts about your stay.
- Arrivals & Admissions
- Bedside Shift Report
- Bedside Technology
- Cafeteria
- Calling Your Nurse
- Cellphones & Video
- Channel Listing for TV
- Concerns About Your Care
- Discharge & Going Home
- Electrical Appliances
- Environmental Services
- Fire Safety
- Flowers
- Gift Shop
- Hearing Impaired & Interpreters
- Hospital Safe for Valuables
- Hourly Rounding
- Lost and Found
- Medicines
- Parking
- Pastoral Care
- Patient Meals
- Personal Belongings and Valuables
- Public Restrooms
- Rapid Response Team
- Registration
- Smoking
- Telephone
- TV
- Vending Machines
- Visiting Hours
- Wi-Fi
- Your Room
Support for Caregivers
We encourage patients to pick a key person to support them during their hospital stay. Whether you are that primary support person, or just one of many people caring for and supporting your loved one, you can play an important role in making sure your loved one gets the safest and best care both here and beyond the hospital.
Patient and Family Care
We participate in patient- and family-centered care. We believe that family plays an important role in ensuring the health and well-being of patients of all ages. Our goal is to create partnerships among healthcare practitioners, patients and families that will lead to the best outcomes and enhance the delivery of safe, quality, efficient, effective, and timely care.
What to Know Before You Leave
Caregivers can help ensure the best outcome for their loved one after a hospital stay by getting the answers to these three questions:
- What is the next step for medical care (home or facility, follow-up with primary care physician or physical therapy, etc.)? Help your loved one arrange the details to make this happen—financial plan, transportation, scheduling, etc.
- What new and former medicines does my loved one need to take? Help your loved one understand the details—timing, dosing instructions, side effects, prescription refills, etc.
- What health warning signs do I need to watch for and what do I do if they happen? Help your loved one by writing these symptoms down as well as the name and contact number to call.
If you feel like you need a break or help, reach out to friends and family. And consult the resources listed here: National Alliance for Caregiving | Family Caregiver Alliance | Caregiver Action Network
Facts About Your Stay
Arrivals & Admissions
320 Hospital Drive
Martinsville, VA 24112
We want your registration process to go as smoothly as possible. Admissions are processed via the Customer Service Greeter in the Emergency Department lobby; once you arrive on the nursing unit, the staff will help you get acquainted with your room and your surroundings.
Patients undergoing outpatient surgery should report to the second floor registration desk. Outpatient registration hours are from 6:00am until 7:00pm.
Before You Arrive
You will need to bring a small number of personal items to the hospital, such as pajamas, robe, slippers, and personal toilet articles including cases for glasses, contact lenses, hearing aids and dentures. If you have any personal items with you during your stay, please make sure your nurse is aware that you have them in your possession. These items are your responsibility to track.
- Photo identification (i.e. Driver’s license)
- Physician Orders
- Insurance, Medicare or Medicaid card
- Social Security Card
- Advanced Directives (if available)
- Work-related injury - workers' compensation claim number and any claim forms required by your employer
- List of all daily medications including the name, strength and dosage information - including when last dose was taken.
For your convenience, an ATM is located on the first floor in the main lobby across from the information desk.
Bedside Shift Report
We want you to feel comfortable and cared for throughout your stay, so at each nursing shift change—about every 12 hours—your nurse will introduce your new nurse to you. The team will talk about your progress, medicine and tests scheduled for the day. Ask questions. The more you’re involved, the better and safer your care.
Bedside Technology
During your stay, you may see your doctors and nurses using computers or tablets. These tools help them care for you by providing around-the-clock monitoring, a variety of resources and quick communication with the rest of your healthcare team. If you have any questions, ask your doctor or nurse.
Location: First Floor
Monday through Friday
Breakfast: 7:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Closed Saturday and Sunday
Visitors may use the cafeteria during hours of operation. Due to dietary restrictions, patients may not be served in the cafeteria.
Calling Your Nurse
Your room is connected to the nursing station via an intercom system. To call for your nurse, press the NURSE call button located at your bedside. If you have any questions on how to use the call button, ask a staff member to show you.
Cellphones & Video
During your stay, you may see members of your care team using mobile phones. At Sovah Health, our staff are permitted to use phones for work-related activities, such as communicating with doctors or other care team members. Employees are not allowed to use phones for non-work-related activities. There are many work-related benefits of cellphones and other communication devices, including access to medical references, clinical tools, and patient information.
Channel Listing for TV
Channel Number | Channel Name |
2 | Home Shopping Network |
4 | WBRA |
5 | WFXR-DT2 (SD Feed) |
6 | WDBJ |
7 | CSPAN |
8 | WFXR |
9 | WSLS |
11 | WPXR |
12 | WSET |
13 | QVC |
16 | WMDV-LD2 |
17 | WGSR-LP |
18 | News 18 |
21 | BTW |
22 | Martinsville Government Television |
23 | ESPN |
24 | ESPN2 |
25 | USA Network |
28 | E! Entertainment Television |
29 | Lifetime |
30 | Nickelodeon |
31 | MTV - Music Television |
32 | BET |
34 | Freeform |
35 | CNBC |
36 | Paramount Network |
37 | TNT |
39 | Comedy Central |
40 | TBS |
41 | AMC |
42 | Discovery Channel |
43 | Cable News Network |
44 | Disney Channel |
45 | Monumental Sports Network |
46 | Food Network |
49 | FX |
50 | SYFY |
51 | Bravo |
52 | MSNBC |
53 | truTV |
54 | VH1 |
58 | TLC |
60 | MASN - Mid Atlantic Sports Network |
61 | Mid Atlantic Sports Network Alternate |
64 | NBC Golf |
65 | Home & Garden Television |
66 | Hallmark Channel |
67 | History |
68 | Animal Planet |
69 | TV Land |
70 | Fox News Channel |
74 | Oxygen True Crime |
76 | LMN |
77 | The Travel Channel |
95 | Universal Kids |
Concerns About Your Care
Please speak with your nurse or nursing supervisor if you have any questions or concerns about your care. If your issue still is not resolved, please contact our Patient Advocate at 276.634.4909. You also have the right to file your complaint with either:
The Office of Licensure & Certification
Virginia Department of Health
3600 W. Broad St. 3600 Centre, Suite 216
Richmond, VA 23230
Complaint Hotline: 800.955.1819
Office of Quality and Patient Safety
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Blvd.
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181
Website:, then click "Report patient safety event"
Sometimes a healthcare choice can involve an ethical concern—such as a wish to refuse life-saving treatment or a disagreement over advance directives. Our team can help you and those who are here to support you make difficult decisions. For help, please ask your nurse or case management. Case management can be reached at 276.634.1963.
Discharge & Going Home
When you are medically ready to leave the hospital, your physician will write a discharge order on your medical chart. Your nurses and your physician will discuss discharge information with you, including special diets, medications and limitations on your activities. The case manager will assist you in making arrangements for home care or other community services, if needed. Your physician will let you know if an office visit is necessary after discharge.
Be sure to check your room for all personal belongings and reclaim any valuables from the hospital safe. When your transportation arrives, please allow your nurse to escort you from the hospital.
Reminders - a few reminders as you prepare to go home:
- Remember to keep all records of bills, insurance forms, payments of claims, receipts and other papers because many of these expenses are tax deductible.
- If you plan to change your residence, give the admitting office your new forwarding address for any mail or gifts that might come to you after your discharge.
- Follow your doctor’s recommendations for your continued recovery.
- Your nurse will offer education for any of the following that may apply at the time of discharge: medications, special diet instructions, heart failure, diabetes, rehabilitation, cardiac rehab, transportation and care notes/restrictions.
- If you require continued care and meet qualifications, our nurses and therapists can help you complete your recovery at home.
Electrical Appliances
Only battery-operated devices are allowed in patient rooms. Do not use electric hair dryers, curling irons, razors, heating pads, portable heaters, VCRs/DVRs, computers, or other electric devices.
Environmental Services
Our goal in Environmental Services (EVS) is to provide you with a clean, germ-free, and safe environment, as well as to ensure you are satisfied with the daily cleaning of your room and bathroom. If you have any cleaning concerns, please call (276) 666-7580 or extension 7580 from your hospital room and someone from EVS will gladly come to take care of them.
Fire Safety
We conduct fire drills from time to time. If you hear an alarm, stay where you are. In an actual emergency, hospital staff will tell you what to do.
Flowers are delivered to patient rooms by individual florists, staff, or volunteers. Please note that flowers are not allowed in Critical Care Units.
Gift Shop
Location: First floor in the main lobby.
The Forget Me Not Gift Shop, staffed by Sovah Health Hospital Auxiliary volunteers, is open Monday through Friday from 10:00 AM until 4:00 PM. The shop has gift items, jewelry, greeting cards, candy, and toiletries, and all sales benefit the Patient Care Fund. The Gift Shop phone number is extension 7485.
Hearing Impaired & Interpreters
If it's difficult for you to communicate for any reason, you can request interpreter services. We have interpreters for foreign languages or sign languages. A webcam also is available for face-to-face interpretation. Please communicate with your nurse if you need this service.
Hospital Safe for Valuables
Sovah Health is not responsible for valuables left in your room. All personal items of value, such as jewelry, wallets, purses, or money should be given to family members for safekeeping or left at home. If this is not an option, valuables may be locked up by Security at your request. Sovah Health cannot be responsible for replacing personal belongings.
Hourly Rounding
A nurse will visit you every hour during the day and every two hours at night to check on your comfort, help you change positions in bed, assist with trips to the bathroom, and make sure you can reach your phone, call light, and personal items easily.
Lost and Found
The Facilities and Security departments with Sovah Health can assist with any lost or found items.
Letters and packages addressed to patients are delivered upon receipt. Any mail that arrives after you have been discharged is forwarded to your home. Outgoing mail may be left at the nurse’s station.
Please do not bring any prescription or over-the-counter medicines to the hospital. All medicines you take in the hospital need to be prescribed, filled and given to you by hospital staff. Tell your doctor about any medicines you regularly take. If you still need them, hospital staff will give them to you.
Designated patient and visitor parking is in the front of the hospital near the main entrance and in front of the Emergency Department.
Pastoral Care
If you would like a visit from the chaplain for spiritual care and comfort, please ask your nurse to contact the chaplain on call. Your loved ones also may fill out a request card in the chapel. A chaplain will address your concerns by the next business day after receiving the request. The chapel is always open for prayer and meditation. It’s located on the First Floor, near the registration area.
Patient Meals
Sovah Health makes every effort to provide nutritious meals, prepared according to your doctor's orders. If you are on a special diet, you will receive menu items tailored to your dietary needs. Occasionally, your meal may be delayed if you are scheduled for a special test or treatment. If you have any questions, please speak with your nurse, or call ext. 7641.
Personal Belongings and Valuables
Personal care items such as contact lenses, eyeglasses, hearing aids, and dentures can be stored in your bedside stand when not in use. Please do not put them on your bed or food tray to help avoid them being lost or damaged. All personal items of value, such as jewelry, wallets, purses, or money should be given to family members for safekeeping or left at home. If this is not an option, valuables may be locked up by Security at your request. Sovah Health cannot be responsible for replacing personal belongings.
Public Restrooms
For everyone’s health and safety, we ask visitors not to use patient restrooms. Public restrooms are located throughout the hospital. Ask hospital staff to direct you to the nearest one.
Rapid Response Team
If you and/or your family have concerns about a change in your condition; you have spoken to your nurse or physician and still feel that something is wrong; or is something that you would call 911 for, dial extension 7777 from your room phone, and alert the person who answers by saying “Rapid Response” and your room number. This will bring a team of specially trained staff members to evaluate you. Early response may decrease the severity of or prevent a critical health care event. Ask a staff member to learn more.
All patients are required to go through the hospital registration process in order for the departments to accurately perform and record your stay with us. Our main priority is to perform the registration process as quickly and accurately as possible.
Your Admissions Representative is required to ask you detailed questions in order to complete this process. You will be asked to provide photo Identification and proof of Insurance (if available). In order to maintain accuracy standards with your billing statement, we must verify this information on each visit to our facility.
Once the registration process has been completed, you will be asked to sign a treatment authorization form allowing us to perform the service(s) your Physician has ordered. You may also be asked to sign additional forms. Your Admissions Representative will explain these forms to you prior to requesting your signature. The Admissions Representative may ask for you to pay any known Co-payments or Deductibles due on your Insurance policy. Payment is expected prior to receiving services at our facility.
If you do not have any insurance coverage or you have insufficient insurance coverage and are unable to pay your hospital bill, Sovah Health is able to provide help with applying for medical assistance programs or work with you to arrange a manageable payment plan.
Sovah Health - Martinsville is a tobacco-free facility. Use of tobacco products is not permitted on campus.
The telephone at your bedside is for your use and convenience. To make local calls, dial 9, wait for the dial tone, then dial your desired number. Long-distance, credit card or collect calls may be made at your expense by dialing 9 + area code and desired number. Your family and friends can call you in your room by dialing 276.666.7 + your room number. For example, to call room 310 from outside the hospital, dial 276.666.7310. You may call the hospital operator by dialing 0 at any time for assistance.
Each patient room has a television. Please be considerate of others by keeping the volume down and turning off your TV at bedtime. TVs are controlled by the bedside pillow speaker or side rail controls. Closed captioning is available for the hearing impaired. Ask a staff member if you have any questions about using your TV.
Vending Machines
Snacks and beverages are available 24 hours a day from our vending machines, in the First Floor Main Lobby and Emergency Department Waiting Area.
Visiting Hours
Visiting hours are subject to change. Please ask your nurse for official hours during your stay.
To promote healing and safety and limit infection, some units may limit the number of visitors you can receive at one time.
Sovah Health General Visitation Policy - Effective 5/2/23
- Open visitation (Exceptions below)
- Open visitation from 6:00 AM until 9:00 PM
- Sovah encourages ONE visitor to stay overnight unless additional visitors are needed to ensure patient safety
- Family/friends are encouraged to actively participate in bedside shift report at approximately 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM
- Visitors must remain in the patient room unless requested otherwise by staff for the privacy of other patients
- Minors must be attended by an adult (not the patient) at all times
- All isolation precautions must be adhered to at the discretion of staff for visitor and patient safety
- Visitors are to be free from obvious sign of infectious disease
- Staff have the discretion to ask any visitor to leave if the visitors presence disrupts patient care
- If hospital incident command is opened (i.e. security event, mass casualty, pandemic) visitation rules may be altered
- Pictures, video, and/or audio recordings are prohibited for the privacy and dignity of our patients.
Emergency Department
- Visitation for patients with an Emergency Custody Order (ECO) or Temporary Detention Order (TDO) or expressing suicidal or homicidal ideation will be reviewed on an individual bases to ensure patient and visitor safety
- If visitation is allowed, visitors will not be allowed to bring in any personal items, including but not limited to bags, purses, and will not be allowed to bring food and/or drink into the patient room
- Visitation for patients in the custody of law enforcement (inmates) will be at the sole discretion of the officer guarding the patient
Note: Patients have the right to consent and receive visitors designated orally or in writing, including, but not limited to, a spouse, a domestic partner (including a same-sex partner), another family member or a friend, and may withdraw such consent either orally or in writing at any time. This includes full and equal visitation privileges (without restrictions or limitations based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability) that are consistent with the preferences of the patient or, where appropriate, the patient's support person. The hospital does have the right to restrict and/or limit visitation based on sound clinical reasoning and judgment of healthcare providers. Any restrictions and/or limitations must take into consideration all aspects of patient health and safety and be communicated to the patient or the patient's designated support person.
Visiting Overnight
Overnight visitation with a patient must be coordinated with the charge nurse and/or nurse manager and is only permitted under certain circumstances. If overnight visitation has been approved, you will be given a visitor card by the nurse, who will provide you with instructions for obtaining a visitor pass from the security guard. Please wear this badge and remain in the waiting room or the patient’s room at all times during your overnight visit. We reserve the right to revoke overnight privileges.
Visitor Guidelines
- To protect the privacy and confidentiality of our patients and staff, we prohibit photography and audio/visual recording devices in treatment areas.
- Please do not bring food, drinks or medications to the patient until you check with nursing staff.
- Please wash your hands before and after you visit every patient. If you there is a Precautions sign on the door, please see the nurse before you visit for the first time.
- We ask that you refrain from visiting patients if you have a stomach bug, flu or any illness with a fever.
- While visitors are encouraged to comfort and support patients, we ask that you not sit or lie in a hospital bed or use the bathroom facilities in a patient's room without checking with our team. Contact your nurse to see if a sleeper chair is available.
- Sovah Health reserves the right to deny access to anyone. Visitors and patients may not have firearms, other weapons, illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages on the premises. Visitors found to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be asked to leave the premises. In order to ensure safety for patients, all associates and visitors' packages are subject to being searched upon entering and leaving the hospital.
- A "No Visitors" sign may be placed on the patient's room door upon request of the patient, family or physician.
Connect to Guest Network.
Our Acceptable Usage Policy will appear. After reviewing the policy, click the “I Agree” button to continue. Guest Access is not considered secure and disconnects after one hour.
Your Room
Your room assignment at Sovah Health is based on your admitting diagnosis and bed availability on the day of your admission. Most of our hospital rooms are private, and most rooms have a private bath. Each room has a bedside table and a closet for storage of personal items.